Numbness of the back

Numbness of the back is a clinical manifestation quite a limited number of pathological conditions. When a small manifestation is not a problem, however, to regulate the emergence and strengthening of the intensity of that unpleasant feeling in need of an extra-territorial help.

There are only a few physiological reasons for numbness in the back, in the neighborhood of blades or lower back, but in the great majority of cases, similar to the symptom has a staff pathological.

During long periods of numbness in the area of the back to act as the sole clinical feature. Gradually, it will occur the propagation of such uncomfortable feeling, the adhesion of the head pain, and other manifestations.

Find out the root cause is the development of such expression is only possible with the help of diagnostic tools, events, that are complemented with manipulation primary diagnostic and laboratory.

To get rid of such unpleasant sensations are applied conservative methods of therapy, but to eliminate the causative agent of the disease, may be necessary a surgical intervention.

The etiology

Cause numbness in the back can a wide range of predisposing factors. It is worth mentioning that the representatives of both sexes they can be general and individual.

General to all causes, which include:

  • find the body in an uncomfortable posture for a long period of time;
  • long period of cooling of the body;
  • the pathology of the spine related to the violation of nerve endings;
  • the curvature of the posture;
  • fractures or injuries to the ribs and the vertebral column.

In addition, this, or any other factor may indicate the location of the symptom. For example, in men and women numbness in the lumbar region can be caused by:

  • between the vertebrae hernia;
  • violation of the functioning of the pancreas;
  • renal failure;
  • the formation malignant or benign tumors abdominal;
  • violation of the sciatic nerve;
  • the stretching of muscles;
  • the development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

If you mean the back between the scapulae, often, this indicates the beginning of the appearance:

  • maternal degenerative disc disease;
  • kyphoscoliosis's;
  • maternal кифоза;
  • between the ribs neuralgia – if you mean the left or the right shovel;
  • a disease in which occurs the inflammation of the tissues near the large joints;
  • spondylarthrosis's.
Межреберная neuralgia

Between the ribs neuralgia – a cause of numbness of the back

The representatives of the female sex numbness of the skin on the back cause:

  • the period of вынашивания of the child, in particular, on the afternoon of timing – when it is felt clearly the location of the symptom – the lumbar;
  • the syndrome of polycystic ovaries;
  • paraovarian cyst size giant;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • complete line of carcinoma;
  • endometriosis and other gynecological diseases;
  • the escape of the menses.

Thus predisposing factors, by which means rotate the men, are presented:

  • by the shedding of the chronic form of prostatitis;
  • diseases of the prostate.


As mentioned above, during a long period of time, numbness of the back of the entire length of the spine acts as the only clinical feature. To the extent that the progression of one form or another illness will occur with the onset of more characteristic symptoms.

It is worth mentioning that, depending on the location of the numbness of the back accompanies симптомокомплекс will be different. For example, in the case of a furnace of numbness under the left or that is with a shovel will also be felt:

  • acute приступообразная pain in this place;
  • a tightness in the chest;
  • иррадиация pain in the heart area, liver and stomach;
  • violation of respiratory function;
  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath during exercise and at rest;
  • weakness and quick fatigue;
  • cramps in the legs;
  • the drastic limitation of the movements with the hands;
  • the swelling and redness of the skin, located above the fireplace of dormancy;
  • paresthesia and aponeurosis.

Numbness of the back lumbar is complemented by:

  • strong contributes to pain in the region of the groin or in the lower limbs;
  • the advent of the "прострелов" for the entire length of the spinal column;
  • the feeling of that numbness out of the internal organs;
  • "insensitivity" of the affected area.

All of the above signs refer to the place of work, and total symptomatology, then it will be dictated by disease, the causative agent, so that each patient takes an individual basis.


If you mean the rotation of blades or below, then, in the first place you should consult a therapist or family doctor. One of these professionals is able to perform the manipulation of primary diagnosis, to place the pre-diagnosis and refer the patient to a complementary examination to the clinical of the narrow areas of medicine.

The first diagnostic phase aims to:

  • the study of the history of the disease of the patient;
  • the collection and analysis of the cycle of history;
  • a careful complex medical diagnosis of the event with the mandatory feeling of each stage in the lumbar, the area under the scapulae and the total of the spinal column;
  • detailed research for the preparation of the total symptomatic of the painting, and to add to what the person means to rotate.

General, to marginalize-research laboratory for the implementation of:

  • sharing clinical analysis and biochemistry of blood;
  • radiography of the spinal column;
  • ultrasound;
  • dopplerography;
  • Ultrasound of the spine;
  • Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of all internal organs, and skull.

The procedure for ultrasound of the lumbar spine

After that, the patient can go to:

  • ортопеду or cardiologist;
  • doctor of GASTROINTESTINAL illness or medical infections;
  • your doctor about the respiratory system or gynecologist;
  • the urologist or ортопеду;
  • doctor of kidney disease, or proctologist.

Depending on what the doctor will drop the patient, necessarily will be assigned specific laboratory tests and instrumental research.


Numbness of the back under the left with a paddle or with a paddle, the lumbar spine or for the whole of your spine, you can counteract, through:

  • manual therapy;
  • ministry of fitness;
  • лазеротерапии;
  • acupuncture and biopuncture;
  • use orthopedic products;
  • the realization of the analgesic blocks;
  • massage therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • sessions of electrophoresis;
  • hirudotherapies.

It is worth mentioning that such therapeutic activities allow you to overcome the symptom, not the pathology of base. The treatment by stimulating the disease can include:

  • the reception of medicines prescribed health care provider;
  • the therapy of the diet;
  • treatment physical therapy;
  • minimally invasive surgical procedures;
  • open surgery;
  • the application of remedies.

Many times the treatment is comprehensive and is made individually for each patient.

The prevention and prediction of

Warn numbness of the back beneath the scapulae, in lumbar region or in the spine can be through:

  • reference healthy and in the measure of active life style;
  • the avoidance of a strong cooling of the body;
  • to avoid the fracture or injury of the back and the ribs;
  • the correct nourishment, enriched in vitamins and nutrients trace elements;
  • regular passage, at least two times per year, full, routine inspection in the health unit with the charming visit the above clinical.

As for the forecast, then, when the numbness of the back, he often unfavourable, because it is a manifestation, often ignored, and the diseases related to problems of the spine or the internal organs are filled with development of complications. In this case, among the most dangerous effects stands out invalidism person.