Symptoms and treatment of neuralgia of the back in adults

Neuralgia the back has plenty of features, characterizing the occurrence of acute pain. The pain occurs as a result of pressure on the nerves located next to the damaged tissues and inflamed. Many times, a pathological process flows between the ribs.

Neuralgia back occurs quite frequently in adults and children. Many times to the doctor, the patients resort during the execution of a stage of disease, or do not restrict the treatment only to the application of anti-inflammatory medicines.


There are several reasons for neuralgia, and the occurrence of the disease is associated with a variety of factors, such as:

The main symptoms невролгии
  • allergy;
  • neoplasms;
  • the injury;
  • hernia between the vertebrae;
  • osteocondrose;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • physical considerable load, and many others.

Of course, this is only the main causes of the education of the disease, as there are many different aspects contribute to the pressure on the nerve endings, which leads to inflammation.

Important! To resolve the pathology and the reduce the main symptoms of the disease are, necessarily, pass the comprehensive therapy with the use of many different techniques.

The symptoms

The main symptoms of neuralgia back characterized by the fact that they occur sharp and long-lasting ноющие pain, passing along nerve endings. During attacks occur can also be secondary signals, in particular, such as:

  • the perspiration;
  • redness or pallor of the skin covering;
  • muscle tremors.

Often, neuralgia back causes symptoms after too much physical strain, sleep problems and posture, very sharp move. In consequence, there occurs an excessive overvoltage, the muscular system, swelling of muscle tissue, irritation of nerve endings and the formation of pain. During the pain can increase muscle spasm, as well as the trapped nerve endings in the back, and the pain is only that much greater.

When the neuralgia spine only occurs gain pain, even when breathing. The painful sensations are defined with a simple pressure in the region of the back. The sensitivity of the area damaged nerve root can not be. The pain can use more of a different nature, and manifest itself as:

  • of numbness;
  • tingling;
  • burning.

Is dangerous this disease that can hit седалищный nerve, which in this case, the pain can give under the spatula or the bottom of the back. Many times, the pain is felt more strongly when slopes and curves.

Neuralgia back, according to the nature of the available manifestations more akin to such diseases as pneumonia or a myocardial infarction. That is why, if you have even mild symptoms of the disease, you need to immediately consult the doctor to pass the exam and the re-enactment of a correct diagnosis.

When there is explicit indication of pathology dr. allocates an x-ray examination of the structure of the vertebral column, whose results can not only to confirm the diagnosis, but to determine many other diseases of the spine, all hidden.


How to treat neuralgia back interested many patients who suffer from pain and other symptoms characteristic of this disease. Many times, when opportune movement to the doctor neuralgia goes by very quickly and responds well to treatment. The main aim of the treatment is considered to be the resolution of acute attacks and headaches. In addition, it is necessary to remove the cause which triggered the occurrence of neuralgia.

The therapy involves the application of certain tools and techniques, in particular such as:

  • the chiropractic;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • physical therapy;
  • медикаментозные medicines;
  • the tool of folk medicine.

Depending on which has neuralgia of the back, the symptoms and the treatment is chosen in function of these manifestations. Resolution of acute attacks of pain, perhaps, through the application of a blocking or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. After you eliminate the first sign of pathology shown the achievement of massage that helps relax the muscles, enhance immunity, as well as to recover the basic body functions.

Межреберная neuralgia

After performing the main treatment procedures are shown special exercises, that should pick up the expert. The therapy should be carried out with the help of treatments, massages, compresses and ointments.

It is very important to know that healing neuralgia back, because this will allow you to find the best method for therapy and to significantly improve their well-being.

Medical therapy

The treatment of neuralgia of the back involves the application of certain медикаментозных of drugs. Initially, you need to resolve the sensation of pain, relieve inflammation in the tissues, and to restore all the necessary functions. In each case, the physician individually picks up the medicine and the dosage.

To eliminate headaches illustrates the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. Are usually prescribed anti-inflammatory non-steroids, in particular, such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Ortofen. As these drugs can cause stomach problems and bowel, which must, necessarily, follow some precautions.

Additionally, neuralgia spine in adults is treated with the help of medicines, to help you solve problems of muscle spasms. In particular, it shows the application of such means as Finlepsin, Carbamazepine, Gabapentin. Often also apply and anti-depressants, which help to lower the perception of pain and various relieve the sensation.

Throughout the course of conducting therapy shown taking vitamin b complex, which are assigned in the form of tablets or in the form of injection. When intense pain shown the realization of the lock, however, they only apply when there is no allergy to the drug injectable.

The treatment of neuralgia is carried out not only within, but also outside, this is why, shows the applications of ointments and shower gel with an anti-inflammatory effect, in particular, such as Ketoprofen, Voltaren, Finalgon, Diclofenac. The treatment медикаментозными means, should not exceed 5 to 7 days. As only the well-being of the patient improves, they are assigned to additional procedures.

The techniques of therapy conservative, it has not produced the desired result, then, shows the implementation of an intervention, involving the removal of tissue pressure on the nerve endings or extension of the nerve channels.

Folk techniques

The treatment of neuralgia of the back means and the application of the people of the methodologies, however, they are used as a complement to traditional medicine. A good anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect it has an ointment prepared from the kidneys lilac and pork fat.

To resolve the muscle tension is good tea soothing with melissa. Help relax in the bath with a decoction or infusion of the pine cones. Reduce the swelling of the inflamed tissue can help salinas gadgets. Juice of radish black or horseradish helps to improve circulation in the damaged area. Treat the neuralgia is possible with the application of the ointment, which is based on began or snake poison.

After the realization of massages and lotions need to укутать the inflamed area as it may be more hot and to avoid excess physical tension and air currents.