Pain in right side of back: causes and the nature of the pain

Back pain - a common problem and the current. Life-long short pain occurs in 75-85% of the population, regardless of sex. Often, the episode turns out to be of short duration, not requiring a profile of the therapy, but 4% to 5% of cases of pain that is caused can indicate a dangerous disease. When it hurts the right side of the back, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately - this will help avoid serious complications and maintain health.

Back pain

Pain in right side of back - the main causes

Pain in right side - the unpleasant symptom always pointing to the violation of the functioning of the body, therefore, ignore it is unwise. If the pain in the side, to the right of the back, this can be a sign of disease biliary paths, of the ureter and right kidney, head of pancreas, liver, and female genital system.

  1. Cardiovascular diseases:
    • the pericardial effusion. Accompanied by pain of variable intensity, increasing, gradually, in shoulders and in the neck;
    • small focal infarction of the rear wall of the myocardium, angina of the chest;
    • an aneurysm of the aorta. The pain caused moderate/strong, alternating with "shot" in the chest and left shoulder.
  2. Disorders of the digestive system:
    • acute cholecystitis. Manifests with pain in the right side of the back, radiating in the area of the heart, the right half of the sternum, the right shoulder, which arises in the midst of fever, nausea, vomiting;
    • the acute pancreatitis. It is characterized by sudden pain in the epigastrium, apply in the area of the shoulder girdle, the chest, the heart.
  3. The pathology of the muscle system skeletal system:
    • lumbar osteocondrose. Back pain is the burning that causes immobility in a temporary lumbar region. Is enhanced when sneezing, coughing, posture problems;
    • the osteomyelitis. Manifest-if the pulling pain on the right side, which indicates the existence of suppurative-necrotizing of the home;
    • the injury of the bottom of the column, inflammatory/degenerative processes in the lower part of the back;
    • neoplasms malignant/benign nature;
    • stretch the muscles of the back. Cause: sudden movements, lifting of weight, a nasty fall, poor posture, excess weight. Typical symptoms: pain in the lower back, to the right, the stiffness, the inability to extend the hand free.
    • Back pain
  4. Respiratory diseases:
    • pneumonia (right). It is characterized by moderate pain on the right back above the waist, increasing during the cough and deep breathing, which combines with wheezing in the lungs, cough, fever;
    • cancer of the lung/bronchi. The intensity of the starting point of the pain syndrome in the right-hand side depends on the location and the location of the tumor.
  5. Diseases of the spinal cord/peripheral nervous system. The pain of the projection has a distal distribution. The most common reason - crushing of the sciatic nerve (sciatica), causing the emergence of a strong pain on the right side of the side of the back, often radiating into the foot.

Pain in the right side of the back, above the waist

The most likely causes for women - variances in the area of gynaecological dysfunction of the right ovary, tumor process), men have an initial phase of prostatitis. If it hurts the right side and the tenderloin, he can talk about hepatomegaly, pyelonephritis, or about the strong injury.

Pain in the right side of the back - the intensity and nature of pain:

  • spasm. Is caused by the reduction in the muscles of hollow organs (gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder);
  • growing. Indicates the presence of inflammation;
  • shooting. There are problems with the nervous system/spinal cord;
  • constant. Points to the traction sheath parenchyma structures (kidneys, lungs, pancreas, liver);
  • acute. Signals the breakdown of the organ/national education bleeding, obstruction of the blood vessels;
  • annoying, boring, pulling, short, long.
Pain in the flank

Pain in the right side of the back - when it is needed the emergency help:

  • suddenly, the burning, the non-response of painkillers the pain on your right side;
  • the intense pain under the ribs;
  • acute pain right side, behind, accompanied by dizziness, general weakness, loss of consciousness.

If the constant pain in the right side of the back, you should consult with a therapist, and establish the true cause of such a state. In function of the characteristics of the pain, it may be necessary to the examination of the expert: traumatologist, urologist, gynaecologist, surgeon, nephrologist, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist.