Pain back pain under the ribs: what to do?

The human bones, provided with nerve fibers, blood vessels, as many bodies in the space between the ribs. When a person feels pain in the back pain under ribs – this is a reason to think about your health.

These sensations can be symptoms of a particular disease. The cause of the pain can resolve only by an expert.

Diseases that trigger the pain that is caused on the web

Painful manifestation of symptoms of internal disease of the body or rib steel frame, the tissues around it:

  1. Injuries of the chest, blows, fractures cause a dull pain, deep breathing will be your reinforcement.
  2. The pathology of the vertebral column: osteocondrose, hernias between the vertebrae become manifest pain in back, ribs.
  3. Neuralgia intercostals causes the sensation of pain, increasing during the breathing, the movements.
  4. Inflammation of the lungs, pleura cause discomfort in different locations of the rib cage.
  5. Tumor.

Contemporary diagnosis, x-ray, ultrasound examination of allow to make an accurate diagnosis, a treatment.

Sometimes, a sharp turn, the change in body position, lifting up a large load can cause pain that is caused in the spinal column, the ribs. This is a sign of the stems, especially, occurs in the buttock, leg.

Injuries, fractures

When the injury occurs the characteristic of the pain:

  • The injury causes initially a sharp pain, then she becomes uncomfortable. On the site of the injury, a bruise that hurts to touch.
  • Fracture of the costal bones is accompanied by a strong pain in the ribs and in the back, can be felt all over the chest.

Fractures are characterized by three species:

  • The crack, when there is only a change of course bones.
  • A turning point, when the periosteum remains intact.
  • A fully broken rib bone dangerous, because the fragments can damage the internal organs, easy.

Signs of fracture is the discomfort during the deep inspiration, during the conversation, even the change of the body, not to mention the exercise. You can lose the rhythm of the heart, then the human skin blue.

A sharp pain in the back, ribs, haemoptysis accompany the damage to light fragments of bones.

Betweencostela neuralgia

For each given pass through the muscles and the nerves that go to the spinal cord. When the nerve is irritated, appears quiet, heartbreaking pain. Sometimes, it bothers me to the left or to the right in the chest, many times the pain in the back with the two sides.

You can find two points, there arises an acute pain when you click on them, close to the sternum and the spine. The cause is the pressure of the nerve or stretch the muscles.

A grip can be the result of an injury, when the space between the ribs with deformation. The unpleasant sensations are enhanced during stretching of the muscle with a gradient, a movement of the shoulders.

The vertebral column

The most frequent disease back refers osteocondrose, which are formed due to inflammatory processes in the spinal position, degenerative changes to it. Can occur pain caused in the back under the ribs to the back.

It may intensify in the course of the nerve affected. The chronic form is hurting the feeling of pain, in the acute phase of the disease occurs apparitions. The patient is difficult to move, bend, turn around, must be in the same position.

Vegetative neuralgic breach in the vascular system unexpected cause sensations of pain, the man it seems that all the pain of the back and rib bones.


The symptoms include: the peak pressure, respiratory failure, palpitations, angina attacks, bowel irritation, insomnia.

Intervertebral hernia in the chest cause discomfort in the ribs, initially, not very strong.

With time, it is so reinforced, it becomes unbearable when you hurt the ribs on the back of both sides. The pain sensation can manifest in your neck, extremities.

Osteoporosis - the disease occurs due to the low content of calcium in the bones. This happens more frequently with the aging of the body, when they are violated the metabolic processes, little absorbed the vitamin D, the calcium from food in the intestine.

The process of bone destruction is enhanced, restorative decreases the ability. Painful of the back under the ribs, occur due to multiple microscopic fractures.

As a result appear the sharp edges of the bone to irritate the periosteum, which is rich in nerve endings.

Pulmonary disease

Pleura sheltering the lungs from the outside, it bordered to close to the cage of the ribs. Your permeate the nerve endings in large quantities, irritate in different diseases.

Pneumonia right characterized by pain, increase when an infected person coughs, breathing. Dry pleural effusion causes the feeling, when you hurt the ribs on the back of both sides.

Malignant tumors

Tumors can be malignant is osteossarcomas. When the disease occur aching pain, can take the thrust, pulling the nature. Sometimes sensations of pain, only appear at night, when some position of the body.

Often, a tumor a long time does not manifest itself, and begin to hurt the ribs with the back after the impact, the injury.

The patient may not suspect the existence of a tumor, and the sensation of pain is related about the impact, although at the place of its occurrence, you can see the swelling, feel a lump. Diagnose the disease through biopsy.


The information in the article is intended solely for general information and should not be used for self-diagnosis of problems with the health or for medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for the medical advice of a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please, see your doctor first, to know exactly the cause of your health problem.